COVID-19 Practice Policy & Procedure

Image Source: NSW Health
If you are unsure about whether to isolate or not - please phone the Public Health Unit for individual advice - 1800 020 080
Source: NSW Health

In compliance with NSW Health guidelines and recommendations and for the safety of patients' and practice staff members, Kendal Street Medical Services have implemented new practice policy and procedures with regards to COVID-19.
The practice requests that patients read these guidelines prior to arranging their appointment at the practice.
It is the policy of Kendal Street Medical Services that:
All patients entering the building must check in using the Service NSW COVID Safe Check-In code upon entry.
Patients must at the current time wear a mask inside the practice - as per NSW guidelines.
Patients who have been overseas within the last 3 weeks shall not enter the practice
Patients must inform staff if they have been travelling to a known exposure site, travelling overseas, have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, are experience respiratory symptoms, cough, fever/temperature, difficulty breathing or any flu like symptoms,
Patients who have; recently returned from overseas, or are experiencing respiratory symptoms, cough, fever/temperature, difficulty breathing or any flu like symptoms, been in contact with a suspected or confirmed case, have travelled to Covid-19 hotspots or been in contact with anyone that has, will be treated in a separate respiratory clinic or via telephone consult.
- Patients are required to phone the practice on 63411400 and speak with reception to be given further instructions on Respiratory Clinic Procedures.
- Patient's will be requested to wait in the car park in their cars, check into the clinic via phone and will be phoned on their mobile when it is time for your appointment.
- The respiratory has a completely separate entrance to the practice, away from the main entry and other patients.
This system has been set up to keep YOU and our staff safe.
The practice is working hard to provide the highest quality service and to prevent as people people going to hospital as possible if they do not require admission.
This is a very stressful time for everyone, our staff are experiencing a larger volume of calls than usual. Please be patient with out staff and stay calm.